La transition écologique

#TransitionÉcologique Construire ensemble un futur positif

Étape 3 sur 3
Publication 15/07/2021 - 15/12/2022
Voir les étapes

[Forum Waves of Change 2021] ⏱

17/12/2021 11:11  

Today is the 23rd of September 2050.

I’ve been walking for days and days.

More exactly, 294 days, 12 hours and 14 minutes.

According to my watch, I’ve been standing in front of a clock

for an hour and 30 minutes, but the hands of the clock indicate

here that only 30 minutes have past.

So I ask 2 people walking on the beach towards me :

Rémy — “Hey dudes, this clock is wrong, it works too slowly!”

June — “It’s working at its own rhythm”

Rémy — “What do you mean? Don’t you think it needs to be fixed?”

Stéphane — “Not at all! Here we live as the waves, we let ourselves flow at our own rhythm, in balance with nature’s cycles. By doing that, we take more time to be, to build, to share and to live a slower life by the ocean. Because to accept to go slower is far less consuming and more enjoyable!”

Rémy — “But how? How do you sustain yourselves?”

June — “As a community we bond by sharing tasks, everyone plays their part and does what they can to participate. We live simply and do not try to get more than we need. Living by the ocean is great: we just have to wait for coconuts to fall to have fresh juice! We pick up just enough seaweed when the season is right; collecting no more than what the ecosystem can give. This slow living allows us to develop artmaking skills: for instance I am a wood carver - look I made this spoon this morning!”

Rémy — “But who thaught you do do that?”

Stéphane — “We all learn from each other collectively. The elders share their knowledge with us and teach our kids to protect and respect nature. Indeed they’ve seen the damages from the past century that humans have brought on Earth by living too fast!”

Rémy — “It sounds peaceful! I can’t wait to give it a try”

June — “Yeah, just don’t rush it! By the way, feel free to stop by our surf club later whenever

by Camille Couron, June Vergé Kemp, Stephane Gilbert & Remy


Référence : BM-PROP-2021-12-675
Numéro de version 1 (sur 1) voir les autres versions


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