Les pieds dans l'eau

Construire ensemble un futur positif

Étape 3 sur 3
Publication 15/07/2021 - 15/12/2022
Voir les étapes

... a few donkeys would do

16/12/2021 15:50  

March 32nd, 2055. It’s the last rainfall of the year. I took a day off to prep for the mission. On 32nd March 2019, Latvania launched a missile. It disrupted the electromagnetic field of the earth and caused an imbalance in nature. Rainfall reduced, trees died, animals expired. Our mission – my friends and I – was simple; travel back in time and stop the launching of the missile. We had no weapons. After all, we were just civilians. However, we had science. We harvested DNA from donkeys and then engineered it such that contact with human skin would turn the human into a donkey, albeit temporarily. The plan was silly, but simple; get into the Latvanian control room and threaten those in command with our genetic weapon and superior technology, after all we were going to be from the future. Then we stop the launching of the missile. If our mission succeeded, it would be raining heavily when we returned home. March 32nd 2019. We arrive in the Latvanian control room and state our terms. The commander laughs and frankly, we would too if we were in his shoes. However, he stops the second he realizes that his second in command is braying instead of laughing. Our silly plan doesn’t seem so silly anymore. The countdown sequence is stopped and as assurance that they would not do anything stupid when we’re gone, we take with us the motherboard of the missile. March 32nd 2055. We return to our own time. It is raining heavily. The river that had been reduce to a trickle in the woods behind our lab was full to bursting. We had succeeded.


Nana Kofi




Référence : BM-PROP-2021-12-486
Numéro de version 1 (sur 1) voir les autres versions


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