Forum Waves of Change 2022

La grande coalition de la croissance bleue et de l'Ă©conomie verte

Étape 3 sur 3
Publication 15/07/2021 - 15/12/2022
Voir les Ă©tapes

The Ocean School

09/06/2022 09:17  

In 2050 I drop my grand children at ocean school. Today they go sailing with the whales. We learn how to talk with them, how to protect them and live with them. Because we talk with them, with now they have feelings so we don’t eat or hurt them anymore. We work with them to protect biodiversity.
We have learn to listen what the nature is saying.
We learn how to slow down and respect the rhythm : we live by the rythm of the ocean. We work less’ spend more time outside.
Today is an exciting day, I’m about to receive this new surfboard I ordered for six months ago, I think last time I bought one was five years ago. It is amazing to see how these products turned in few years from being very polluting items to be done a super respectful way’ also they are way more solid now, so I don’t need to change them that often anymore. But for now I need to go working at our office which is the building right next to the ocean school. It is big week for our company, we are just about to announce that we are officially the very first packaging free company in the world.

Santi Mier, Baptiste Cuvier, Nicolas Dazet, Margaud Pouchat


Référence : BM-PROP-2022-06-969
Numéro de version 1 (sur 1) voir les autres versions


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