Forum Waves of Change 2022

La grande coalition de la croissance bleue et de l'économie verte

Schritt 3 von 3
Publication 15.07.2021 - 15.12.2022
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Flight in 2050

09.06.2022 09:01  

6th June 2050. I am a bird that crosses the oceans. I am happy to be able to come to this region, where my ancestors were not going, I really look forward landing there. It was said to be a nice and safe place on the way to northern Europe during the migration of my family and I every year from north of Africa.
Unfortunately, during the last decades it has been damaged by human activities as my mother explained to me earlier. There used to be too much light at night there and not enough food for us to gain energy for the end of our journey north.

But with the sea level rise and other negative impacts of human activities, humans had to change the way they interacted with this place and make it closer to nature using different solutions to maintain a sustainable life there.

Less than two hours flight and we’ll finally be there.

Oh finally I can see it, seen from the sky it seems very peaceful. There are still lights but they are less frightening, it still shines but it is closer to the moonlight. It reminds me of the bioluminescent plankton we sometimes see over the ocean during our migration.

Although I was afraid of landing, the coastal area seems really safe. The salt marshes expand on a large area and are probably full of food that we’ll discover tomorrow, but now I need to get some rest.

The sunrise let an almost untouched landscape appear. Although there are still some human houses but not so many of them and they seem to be made out of organic materials. I hadn’t felt this relaxed for quite some time.

I was afraid to come across humans but the little ones I saw kept their distance as if they knew I needed some personal space to get some energy back.

Now it is time to fuel my body again, the tide was low and from all the birds I can hear, no doubt the food will be abundant here.

I will stay two more days and then it will be time to get even more north. By then, I hope not to come back some predators who are said to be back here too.

I can’t wait to share this spot with my friends now that I know it is a safe and happy place.

Marie Anaïs Berline, Bénédicte Pierron , Marie Gaveriaux, Damien Pataki, Marine Fouin


Referenz: BM-PROP-2022-06-959
Versionsnummer 1 (von 1) Andere Versionen anzeigen


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