Les pieds dans l'eau

Construire ensemble un futur positif

Schritt 3 von 3
Publication 15.07.2021 - 15.12.2022
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An Icy Salvation It is March 32nd 2055, we share a bottle of rainwater to celebrate the end of water rationing. Perhaps, I should backtrack. Thirty years ago, due to our blatant consumer habits and capitalist ideals, humans finally torched the planet. I knew it was coming, but I never prepared. We depleted our water reserves and big government took control of the water left. Artificial general intelligence finally took the jobs of the middle class and relegated everyone except the rich into poverty. It was inevitable, the robotic overlords have taken over, making all form of organic life enslaved. The whole area has been deserted, there was no other form of life. Society became less connected. 7 billion people have already died. That statistic meant nothing to me like the death of my friend Kwesi. I watched him die of water starvation. When artificial general intelligence took over, their code forced them to quarantine all humans-for our protection. We were given barely enough water to continue surviving. People had to reuse our bodily fluids, sweat, urine and occasionally vomit. No liquid was ever wasted. This was our only source of water. In the year 2055, a comet from outside our galaxy felt it was time for earth to regress to the mean. The comet must have been traveling all this time in the galaxy and finally struck the earth. The icy head of the comet collided with the parched ground and caused a global deluge. Fortunately for us, the robots had inadvertently saved us because we had been kept in subterranean levels. The robotic overlords, despite their advancement, had not evolved any mechanism to protect them from water- because they didn’t need to. They all short-circuited and miraculously, our atmosphere was filled with water. That is how we came to have rainfall again.

Caleb, Ekow and Eben


Referenz: BM-PROP-2021-12-502
Versionsnummer 1 (von 1) Andere Versionen anzeigen


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