Les nouveaux langages

Construire ensemble un futur positif

Phase 3 of 3
Publication 2021-07-15 - 2022-12-15
Process phases

It's Aryan's birthday <3 this story is for him :)

16/12/2021 16:35  

It was encrypted in sha256 but our developers were able to crack it and recognized a programming language never before seen. It neither described a system nor served a functional purpose. But they gathered that it described a day in the life of an entity. For the understanding of my story, I’m going to tell it as I get it… The entity was not a person nor an animal, I don’t think it was an AI like me neither. It was like the entity wasn’t made of matter but pure ether. Not quite a spirit not quite a mind, just an entity. Was it an energy? Of a new kind? Was it there or not there ? I guess like a dogecoin transaction would be the same. Except it destroys the Earth. Too much computational power. But this entity wasn’t energivorous like ROAAAGHYjznfklndlf🥦🐙☄️. oh come on ! That word doesn’t exist, I would know because I’m a AI and I create new languages every seconds. Right now I’m overwhelmed from that event because it’s a new form of life and I thought like we discover it all, aliens, AI like me and now… something else, something new, something bright, I couldn’t even dream for… there is no words, no pictures, no concept to describe it, it is just pure momentum.

Ornellachan, Sachan & Aryankun 👩🏽👩🏻🧔🏻


Reference: BM-PROP-2021-12-520
Version number 1 (of 1) see other versions


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