Le Grand Débat

#Démocratie Construire ensemble un futur positif

Schritt 3 von 3
Publication 15.07.2021 - 15.12.2022
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Five Votes for the World

16.12.2021 16:41  

13 February 2050 I am at a citizen meeting to vote on global agenda. I am going to the digital experience center in the local government office. It is a simple building but its where everybody goes to talk before making their choice. For the first time in my life I have seen the United Nations working in something relevant to my life. We are going to vote on the 2070 Sustainable Development Goals. I have seen the halting but positive progress towards the SDGS in 2030. The 2050 development goals were very successful but I don’t think they affected me. I get to set the global agenda. The global agenda is now a participatory process. Using collective intelligence lets each person choose the focus areas of the international development agenda. I have five precious votes, for 5 delegates, to choose the issues that matter most to me.

I have broadband access that is at the level of 2019. There is content that is in my language, but the distance to the global agenda is complicated for me. I can read what is written. I can vote using my internet connection but don’t have the level of participation that the people in rich countries do where they can interact and caucus in a virtual environment. They don’t even need to leave their houses. I wish that I could use the fancy voting terminals I am so busy in my day to day and I learn from other women in my job but I don’t have the chance to learn as much about the issues as I would like.

Still, they say it matters. I am heading out to vote!

Ben Bloomfield

Laura Macias

Indrajeet Sircar


Referenz: BM-PROP-2021-12-526
Versionsnummer 1 (von 1) Andere Versionen anzeigen


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